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Data Analyst for Fresh GraduatesCollabera DigitalHybrid (Philippines) SeekHub
Dec 07, 2023| 46 Applicants| 134 ViewsNumber of Views

Skills Required

Data Analyst

Rate / Type of Work / Location / Years of Experience

0 year

Job Description


  • Communicate effectively with associates on a global basis
  • Be proactive in dealing with clients and issues
  • Follow-through on details
  • Complete multiple projects at one time, with tight deadlines
  • Demonstrate client service focus and flexibility in supporting client requests
  • Demonstrate commitment to quality and continuous improvement
  • Demonstrate a desire to learn and accept new challenges



  • Bachelor's degree
  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Excel
  • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Familiarity with HR/compensation function and administrative processes is a plus


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Source: LinkedIn